Monday, October 20, 2008

Goodies at Charade.....costumes for all events?

Charade located in the Fashion District of the Tampa Bay sim is a marvelous store to visit for any costume or role playing needs that you might have. All of the outfits that are available for both men and women have a lot of options and parts. The store is a great place to visit even outside the normal costume seasons and the gowns for the ladies can certainly be used at other events. Charade at Tampa Bay (163/63/23)
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As a gift to everyone, Journey McLaglen has place a big pumpkin at the front part of the store which contains a lot of goodies for both MEN & WOMEN. The pumpkin will be available until Halloween and it includes skins for both men and women, a couple of costumes for women and one for men, a Halloween fun hut, hats, hair and just about anything that you would need to be ready for Halloween. Please stop by and accept this marvelous gift and look around Charade.

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